Eri Polu

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A breathtaking natural wonder called Eri Polu, sometimes referred to as the Muddy Waterfalls, is situated in the North Garo Hills district of Meghalaya, India. It is a collection of cascading waterfalls that cascade through a lush forest, producing a spectacular sight that is unmatched anywhere in the world. The muddy tint of the water, which is caused by the high concentration of minerals in the soil, is how the waterfalls got their name. 

Hiking, trekking, and camping are just a few of the activities available to visitors at Eri Polu. There are also many stunning natural monuments in the area, such as the close-by Nokrek National Park, which is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna.  

One of the most unique features of Eri Polu is the natural pool that forms at the base of the waterfall. Visitors can take a dip in the cool and refreshing water, or simply relax and enjoy the stunning scenery. 

The waterfall is rumored to be haunted by the spirits of the dead, according to folk tales. According to legend, a group of individuals once attempted to construct a bridge over the waterfall but were forced to give it up after being cursed by the spirits. The abandoned bridge’s ruins are still visible to visitors today, serving as a reminder of the strength of nature and the value of honoring local customs and beliefs. 

Eri Polu, in conclusion, is a must-visit location for nature lovers and adventure seekers looking for a distinctive and unforgettable experience. The region is a unique travel destination that provides a glimpse of India’s tremendous beauty due to its magnificent landscape, diversified flora and wildlife, and rich cultural legacy. 

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