Submit guest post

Home » Submit guest post

Welcome to Marvels of India! We are happy you want to write for our blog.

Why Write for Us?

  • Share your stories with a big audience.

  • Bring more visitors to your own website.

  • Connect with people who love what you write.

What We Need:

  1. Writing Style: Simple and engaging. No difficult words or language.

  2. Original Content: Your work must be new and original. No copying.

  3. Reader Engagement: Make your content interesting so people stay on the page.

  4. Internal Links: Include links to at least 3 posts on Marvels of India.

  5. References: Use up-to-date information. Don’t use anything older than 2 years.

  6. External Link: You can add one link to your own website or blog.

What We Don’t Accept:

  • Articles that promote your business too much.

  • Incorrect or unverifiable information.

  • Rude or abusive language.

  • Content already on our website.

Important Notes:

  • Exclusivity: Don’t post your article on other websites or social media.

  • Editing: Our editors may edit your work to match our style and update it if needed.

How to Submit:

  1. Clear and Simple: Write in a clear and easy-to-read manner.

  2. Word Count: Around 1000-1500 words.

  3. Paragraphs: Use short paragraphs (3-4 sentences each).

  4. Lists: Use bullet points or numbers for lists.

  5. Conclusion: End with a final paragraph.

  6. Grammar Check: Use tools like Grammarly or MS Word to check for errors.

Send Your Submission To: [email protected]

Please include:

  • A title for your post

  • Your photo

  • A short bio about yourself

  • A link to your social media

We will contact you within 2 weeks. We look forward to working with you!

Contact us!